Python Day - 4 April

April 4th is Python Day, the centerpiece of PyCon Lithuania 2024. Immerse yourself in a day dedicated to advancing your knowledge of data science, machine learning, and analytics in Python. Explore thought-provoking keynotes from luminaries such as Arjan Egges and Robert Smallshire, then delve into an eclectic mix of sessions covering mutation testing, debugging strategies, modular plugin-based Python distributions, language interoperability, asynchronous programming, and more.


Arjan Egges

Arjan Egges

  • Known as ArjanCodes on YouTube,
  • Software developer and educator with a passion for building beautiful, efficient, and reliable software,
  • Posts weekly videos on YouTube about programming (mostly in Python), software design, testing, and architecture,
  • Also creates online courses on these subjects
Robert Smallshire

Robert Smallshire

  • 25 years of Python in the energy and ed-tech sectors,
  • Robert’s Python training courses on Pluralsight have accumulated 1.9 million hours of view time and reached over 1 million paying subscribers,
  • Co-author of The Python Apprentice, The Python Journeyman, and The Python Master trilogy


Already confirmed talks:

Pointers? In My Python? by Eli Holderness
Is Mojo just a hype? by Maxim Zaks


The schedule is to be announced (TBA). Stay tuned for updates!

I would like to join the event

You can buy a ticket for this specific day or as part of a multiple days ticket. More details and the ticket purchasing options will be available soon.