Python Day - 4 April
April 4th is Python Day, the centerpiece of PyCon Lithuania 2024. Immerse yourself in a day dedicated to advancing your knowledge of data science, machine learning, and analytics in Python. Explore thought-provoking keynotes from luminaries such as Arjan Egges and Robert Smallshire, then delve into an eclectic mix of sessions covering mutation testing, debugging strategies, modular plugin-based Python distributions, language interoperability, asynchronous programming, and more.

Arjan Egges
- Known as ArjanCodes on YouTube,
- Software developer and educator with a passion for building beautiful, efficient, and reliable software,
- Posts weekly videos on YouTube about programming (mostly in Python), software design, testing, and architecture,
- Also creates online courses on these subjects

Robert Smallshire
- 25 years of Python in the energy and ed-tech sectors,
- Robert’s Python training courses on Pluralsight have accumulated 1.9 million hours of view time and reached over 1 million paying subscribers,
- Co-author of The Python Apprentice, The Python Journeyman, and The Python Master trilogy
Already confirmed talks:
Watsonx: A GenAI platform that's built for business by Robert Dzisevič
Using Rust & PyO3 to make Pydantic v2 even faster by David Hewitt
Unleashing Python's potential with MAX Platform by Antanas Daujotis
Object Oriented Programing the way it should be by Laimonas Sutkus
The role of Rust, Zig and C++ in the Python ecosystem by Cristián Maureira-Fredes
Grokking Event-Driven Web App with Python by Tung Hoang
503 days working full-time on FOSS: lessons learned by Rodrigo Girão Serrão
Deadcode - a tool to find and fix dead (unused) Python code by Albertas Gimbutas
analyzing stdf production test data in the silicon manufacturing industry using construct by Franz Haas
Designing for tomorrow's programming workflows by Matthew Honnibal
Pointers? In My Python? by Eli Holderness
Lessons Learned From Maintaining SDK in Python for Three Years by Adam Furmanek
Let’s create a Python Debugger together by Johannes Bechberger
Python package creation using bleeding edge toolset by Albertas Gimbutas
Deep Dive into Asynchronous SQLAlchemy - Transactions and Connections by Damian Wysocki
Building Open Climate Change Information Services in Python by Trevor James Smith
Kill All Mutants! (Intro to Mutation Testing) by Dave Aronson
Is Mojo just a hype? by Maxim Zaks
Simplifying large Python projects by distributing complexity. by Maxim Danilov
The Ghosts of Distant Objects by Ben Clifford
The schedule is to be announced (TBA). Stay tuned for updates!
I would like to join the event
You can buy a ticket for this specific day or as part of a multiple days ticket. More details and the ticket purchasing options will be available soon.