Object Oriented Programing the way it should be

Object Oriented Programing the way it should be

The talk


Room: Room 203

April 4



While Functional Programming gains traction, I'll showcase how OOP, done right, yields clean, efficient code. Explore a fresh perspective, gain insights, and reshape your coding approach.


None. Its suitable for both seniors and juniors.


Functional Programming vs Object Oriented Programming. While Functional Programming is on the rise in popularity and Object Oriented Programming receives more and more hate, in this session, I will show you that Object Oriented Programming can be clean, elegant, maintainable, beautiful, and make a lot of sense. We will write some Python code both in a style of Functional Programming and in Object Oriented Programming. We will then compare the results.


Laimonas Sutkus

Laimonas Sutkus

More than a decade in the IT industry. 5+ years as a CTO.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laimonas-sutkus/
Website: https://www.ctovisory.com/
Github: https://github.com/laimonassutkus
