Programming is for a large about removing repetition and finding abstractions that achieve that. But is that always sensible? Using the power of music we will examine how universal DRY really is.
Very basic knowledge of python
Don't Repeat Yourself (or DRY) is common advice for programmers. While this can be useful in some cases, following this dogmatically can put you in a bad spot. This talk dives into the painful lessons that can arise from this approach, how it can complicate code and increase cognitive load. Beyond that, we also examine how repetition can facilitate both clarity and learnability and how it can be less evil than it is sometimes made out to be. We'll examine all this through the lens of music programming in Python.
I'm a professional problem architect, by which I mean I attempt to unravel, undo, and unmake whatever it is that solution architects do, mostly with python. I'm a firm believer in complexity and harsh denier of learning from other peoples' mistakes. Outside of my professional life I like to climb, cook, sing, dance, socialize, read, host DnD games, hike, eat, run, and try to make people laugh at conferences.