Do you ever find it complicated to learn the complexities of a traditional web framework to push your data science work online? Worry no more! Streamlit might help speed things up as it is designed for the required purpose - creating beautiful data-related web apps that can be deployed in minutes.
In the hands-on tutorial, we’ll go through various features of Streamlit and build a small lyric fetcher app based on the available curated dataset of around 24K Billboard top-100 songs.
Basic understanding of HTML, Python, and libraries such as Numpy, Matplotlib, and Pandas should be good.
0:01-0:05 minutes: In the first section, I will discuss with you the basics of Streamlit and some examples of applications made through it. I will also show you the expected final version of what we’ll create during the tutorial.
00:05 - 0:15 minutes: In the second section, I will run a small “Hello World” code on the local server, to give you the initial feel of streamlit.
00:15 - 0:50 minutes: In the third section, I will build our application step-by-step by creating a layout and adding the required elements. These elements would include two drop-down buttons for selecting the song & artist for which we want lyrics, A lyric showcasing column, and a word cloud visualization of the respective lyrics.
In the last 5 minutes, I will touch on how we can deploy the app online using Heroku and Streamlit, which you can further attempt after the talk on your own.
Computational Cognitive Science researcher at the University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany