"Trusted publishing" is the term for using the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard in the Python Ecosystem to release on PyPI. In this talk will go though the usage of trusted publishing in any Python project and how it helped Ansible project to open up release management to the community. This talk is a deep dive explanation of release practicalities of releasing Ansible using trusted publishing.
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"Trusted publishing" is the the way of exchanging short-lived identity tokens between a trusted third-party service and PyPI. This key feature in PyPI empowers the project maintainers to make releases via automated environments directly . This helps us to get rid of the use of manually generated API tokens. This talk will dig deeper in the practical aspects and impact of moving manual release process to automated release via github actions and trusted publishing. The talk will describe the trusted publishing from the view of a Release Manager of a critical project like Ansible.
In my talk, I will go through.
What is trusted publishing? why it is needed? How to use trusted publishing? Ansible manual release process in nutshell. Releasing Ansible with Github actions and Trusted Publishing Release automation: lessons learned
Anwesha is a fellow at the Python Software Foundation and the Release Manager of Ansible. She works as a Software Engineer with the Ansible Engineering team at Red Hat. She led PyLadies efforts in India and now is an organizer at PyLadies Stockholm. You can follow her blog at https://anweshadas.in.