Robyn: A fast async Python web framework with a Rust runtime
Room: Saphire C - Web Dev
Date: 2023-05-19
Time: 14:30 - 14:55
Python web frameworks such as FastAPI, Flask, Quartz, Tornado, and Twisted are important for developing high-performance web applications and for their contributions to the web ecosystem. However, they may also present certain bottlenecks, either due to their synchronous nature or due to the usage of the Python runtime. These limitations can often arise from their reliance on *SGIs, which can limit the speed and performance of the web application. This is where Robyn comes in. Robyn aims to achieve near-native Rust throughput while still allowing developers to write code in Python. This means that developers can enjoy the benefits of high-performance web applications while still using the language they are comfortable with. In this talk, we will delve into Robyn and explore how it can improve web application performance. We will also discuss the development of Robyn and examine the evolution of a project from ideation to community support. We will examine the challenges and opportunities that arose during the development and how they were addressed.
Sanskar Jethi
Sanskar is a Software Engineer at Bloomberg, London, during the day and a FOSS maintainer during the night. He is the author and maintainer of Robyn, which is one of the fastest web frameworks in the Python ecosystem. He has also recently created Starfyre, a web framework that allows you to create reactive web frontends in Python.
Sanskar loves attending, speaking, and organizing conferences and has actively participated in various Open Source conferences.
When not writing code or attending conferences, Sanskar enjoys designing, reading philosophy, and following the latest technological trends. These days, Sanskar is a big fan of chasing the pump and lifting heavy weights in the Gym!